Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Post Secret Book

I was in the book store the other day and ran across the book My Secret: A Post Secret Book which Amazon describes as this:

At the beginning of 2005, Frank Warren launched a new blog called PostSecret as an experiment in community art, inviting strangers to mail him anonymous postcards that made art out of their innermost secrets and then posting a selection of the cards every week on his blog. Within a year, his blog was one of the five most popular in the world, and his first book, PostSecret, was one of the surprise bestsellers of 2005. My Secret is his second book, a collection of cards from teens and college students--none of which has been shown on the website--that carries the same emotional power and creativity that have made Warren's project a phenomenon.

Most of the secrets were a bit juvenile but one almost brought me to tears. A person sent in a postcard that his Grandmother sent to him. She would send him postage paid postcards so that he would write to her. Now the grandmother had past but the grandson still had empty postcards one of which he sent to this blog, now book, reflecting on how he should have written her more.

This hit home since it took me awhile to realize my Grandmother likes me to send letters and that at 92 that is all she really wants is to hear from family and be reminded of how amazing of a woman she has been in her life.

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